VSA - Vietnamese Student Association

SCU VSA's mission is to promote awareness and appreciation of and participation in the Vietnamese culture and community, as well as provide representation and support for current and prospective Vietnamese students on campus.


Nhi Nguyen

Hai Hai! My name is Nhi and I'm a sophomore studying Management Information Systems (MIS) from San Jose, CA. Aside from VSA, I enjoy going on outdoor adventures with my scouting troop and playing basketball and volleyball with my friends! :)

Ray Nguyen

Hi! My name is Ray and I'm a senior studying Finance and Real Estate. For fun, I enjoy playing guitar, piano, working out, and reading. Other involvements on campus involve being a CF in Graham and working for the Office of Student Life.

Executive board

MCC Representative

Karisa Trang

Marketing & PR Chair

Bella Tran

ICC Representative

Tiffany Doan

Social Outreach Chair

Sunny Tran

Culture Show Directors

Ashley Duong
Megan Pham
Steph Nivaggioli

Finance Chair

Kimberly Do

First-Year Representatives


TLC - Together Ladies in Color