TLC – Together for Ladies of Color

Together for Ladies of Color is a student-run group of students, faculty, and staff committed to creating a safe space by and for ALL dis/abled, un/documented WOMXN and ALL non-binary people and ALL trans men and allies at Santa Clara University to promote solidarity, dialogue, awareness, and support for all WOMXN/non-binary and people of color.


Sofia Green

Executive board

MCC Representative

Parnia Ayoubi


Ryen Hampton

Community Outreach


TaLiyah Cato

Public Relations Director

Iminii Wilmer

Club Historian

Ansha Shekhar

Programming Coordinator

Sarah Tesfaye

First-Year Representatives

TLC’s Events

  • Faculty Dinner - A night where we invite all Womxn of Color professors and faculty to network and mingle with our general members!

  • Winter Extravaganza - Our culture show! We hold a poetry slam and it's a time for general members, allies, and friends to celebrate TLC and Womxn of Color!

  • Spring Retreat - Just a time for general members and board to bond and grow the community of TLC :)


QPOCA - Queer People of Color Association


VSA - Vietnamese Student Association